> JQuery UI中文在线手册 > 滚屏开始(Scrollstart)事件
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<div data-role="page" id="pageone">
  <div data-role="header">
    <h1>scrollstart 事件</h1>

  <div data-role="content">
    <p>Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..Some text to enable scrolling..</p>

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